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Recipes for the Runner:
Cinnamon Vanilla Recovery Waffles

Get that protein in post run with this delicious cinnamon vanilla waffle recipe using Fluid Recovery Mix.

vanilla recovery waffle

We love asking the question: what else can this do? We hate the idea of something only being able to perform one task (a uni-tasker… gasp!). So when we started asking ourselves, “What else can we do with our recovery drink mix, besides just mix it with some sort of milk, water, or add it to a smoothie?” we thought we’d have a fairly short list.

Turns out, the better question is: “What can’t we put our drink mix in?!” So, we've been experimenting and the list just continues to grow. Our goal with these recovery drink recipes is not to remove carbs and add protein (you can look at any body builder website for those recipes), but to make sure there is plenty of protein AND carbs present. Runners need carbs as well as protein, and this recipe will deliver. And rest easy; know that when you purchase recovery/protein drink mix, you are NOT purchasing a uni-tasker.

Cinnamon Vanilla Waffles

For this recipe, we used Tailwind's Vanilla Rebuild Recovery Drink. We love the light, cinnnamony flavor for a waffle! You could easily substitute a chocolate, or any other flavor recovery mix. If you use straight protein powder, you might add a bit of honey to round out the sweetness.

Makes about 8 small waffles.


  • 1 cup whole wheat flour (or substitute oat, or other type of flour)
  • 1 Tbsp ground flax seed
  • ½ cup recovery drink mix
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • Pinch of salt (about ¼ tsp)
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • About 1 cup almond milk or milk of choice (may need more or less if using an alternate flour such as oat)
  • 2 Tbsp coconut oil, melted
  • 2 eggs, separated


Step 1: Add the flour, flax seed, drink mix, cinnamon, salt, and baking powder in a medium bowl. Stir to combine.

Step 2: In a separate bowl or the measuring cup you used for the milk, combine the milk, vanilla, coconut oil, and egg yolks. Add to the dry ingredients; give the mixture two or three light stirs to barely combine.

Step 3: In a clean, dry bowl, whip the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Fold the whites into the medium bowl with everything else. The mixture should be slightly lumpy with no big dry spots.

Step 4: At this point, you can either cook the waffles right away in your waffle iron (use non-stick cooking spray on the iron once to prevent sticking), or the batter can be stored up to two days in the fridge.

Step 5: Top with fruit and enjoy!

Nutrition Facts

Approximate per serving (1 small-ish waffle): Calories 151 Fat 6 grams Saturated Fat 3 grams Cholesterol 46 mg Sodium 103 mg Carbohydrates 19 gramsFiber 2 grams Sugars 5 grams Protein 6 grams

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