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8 Things to Do the Day Before a Half Marathon

Presented by HOKA ONE ONE

A runner tying his shoes

Whether it's your first race or your tenth, pre-race jitters are never really a thing of the past. That's part of why we run races: the excitement, the anticipation, the little bit of fear. All of these factors can help push us to run our best, as long as we don't let them overwhelm us. Preparing yourself the day before the race can help eliminate a lot of unnecessary stress and set you up for success.

1 - Plan Your Travel

Whether you're headed for a destination race or doing one in your own city, you should plan out how you're going to get to the starting line. There are often lane closures and traffic delays, so you can avoid unnecessary stress by knowing where you need to park, the distance from the starting line, and how to get back if your race has different starting and ending points. If your race offers shuttles, you should research their running times and pick-up locations. Planning out all of these factors in advance will allow you to arrive unrushed and with a calm mind.

A woman running along a road

2 - Lay Out Your Gear

Avoid last-minute forgetfulness by laying out your gear and nutrition the night before. This will prevent you from leaving anything behind on race morning, and from running late because you couldn't find that one running sock hiding in the dryer. If you're travelling, it's best to pack all your running gear in the same spot so it will be easy to locate on race day.

3 - Study the Course

Knowing the course ahead will go a long way toward preparing yourself for success. This will help you gauge your speed, prepare for hills, or even plan bathroom breaks in case you need them. Knowing that you're not going to be surprised by a tough section halfway through your race will also give you peace of mind on race day!

A runner looking ahead at the road

4 - Be Mindful of What You Eat

Carb Loading! Everyone gets excited by the thought of an all-you-can-eat pasta and bread buffet the day before a race — and yes, you should be loading your body with fuel for the effort ahead. BUT, it is still important to stay healthy, and now is not the time to overdo it. Choose foods your body can digest easily and stick to high-quality carbohydrates so your body will have readily accessible energy for race day.

Read More About What You Should Eat Before a Race

Shop Race Day Nutrition

5 - Be Mindful of What You Drink

Hydration is essential, but that doesn't mean that you need to drink litres upon litres of water in preparation for your race. Overhydration has much more serious consequences than dehydration. Regardless, make sure that you are drinking when you are thirsty, getting plenty of electrolytes, and avoiding excess alcohol and caffeine the day before your race.

Read Our Hydration Guide for Runners

Learn More About the Dangers of Overhydration

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A runner drinking water

6 - Prepare Your Body

Your training plan has probably recommended that you take it very easy on the day before the race, and you should hold onto that concept when it comes to other physical activity throughout the day. If you want your legs to be fresh for race day, it's probably not good to get in one more long run, spend the entire day walking, or go for a strenuous bike ride. Another part of preparing your body for the race is ensuring that you get enough sleep the night before. Though those pre-race nerves may keep you up, do your best to go to bed early and get plenty of rest.

Read More About How to Taper Before a Half Marathon

A runner stretching

7 - Prepare Your Mind

Take some time to get into the right head space for your race. Hopefully, you have already had time to figure out your goals and intentions for the day ahead. Do you want to make it on the podium? Do you want to beat a particular time? Do you just want to finish? Are you there to try hard, or is it more important to you to have fun? Identifying these things ahead of time will set realistic expectations for your half-marathon and help you focus on your specific goals.

8 - Go Run Your Race

With everything prepped the day before, you won't have to worry about unexpected delays, missing items, or anything holding you back. You can feel confident that all of your focus will be on running your best race. Now, all there is to do is enjoy your run!

Read More Tips for Running A Great Half Marathon

A woman running a half marathon
Written by Liz

Liz grew up doing all things active except running. An avid mountain biker, climber, and backpacker, running had seemed out of reach to Liz until after college, when she spontaneously agreed to do the Long Beach Half Marathon. Once she saw what she was capable of, she was hooked, and has been in love with running ever since.